xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' Γελάς?: 18 hilarious animals who took their awesomeness to a whole new level

Τετάρτη 1 Ιουνίου 2016

18 hilarious animals who took their awesomeness to a whole new level

Our four-legged furry friends are hands down the most adorable creatures. Some of them, apart from being utterly cute, can actually teach us how to stay cool no matter what the situation is. These animals sure know how to pull off a new hairstyle or drive an expensive car to impress girls.
When you look at their pictures, you can almost hear them say, ’Well, buddy, it’s just that Awesome is my middle name.’ Now have a look for yourself.
’You got a problem with me?’

Live your life to the fullest.
Mr. Bicep will see you now.
’Hey, good lookin’! Need a ride?’
’Oh yes, I can totally pull off my new bangs.’
’I bet you want the exact same sunglasses as mine.’
’What are you lookin’ at? Come join me. It’s so refreshing!’
’I have a teeny, tiny problem, and I don’t know how to tell you.’
’I’m listening, buddy.’
’Oh yes, and put some bubbles in as I’ve had a very long, hard day.’
’I’m telling you, there is no such thing as a beer belly.’
’C’mon, you guys! Push a little harder.’
’And for the last time: if you keep forbidding me from digging those holes in the backyard, I’m afraid we’re gonna need to talk.’
’Okay, okay, you got me. Now, what do you want?’
The moment when you feel like you’ve conquered the business world.
’Wassup, man?’
’Do you think we can pull these off?’

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